• BROWARD_ORIGINAL: the original Broward County data • BROWARD_CLEAN: a simplified version of the BROWARD_ORIGINAL consisting of only the data columns used by our human and algorithmic assessments. The columns correspond to: • id: a unique identifier for each defendant (same as id in BROWARD_ORIGINAL) • race: a numeric indicator of race • 1: White (Caucasian); 2: Black (African American); 3: Hispanic; 4: Asian; 5: Native American; 6: Other • sex: a numeric indicator of sex • 0: male; 1: female • age • juv_fel_count: total number of juvenile felony criminal charges • juv_ misd_count: total number of juvenile misdemeanor criminal charges • priors_count: total number of non-juvenile criminal charges • charge_id: a numeric value corresponding to the specific criminal charge (see file CHARGE_ID) • charge_degree: a numeric indicator of the degree of the charge: • 0: misdemeanor • 1: felony • compas_decile_score: a numeric value between 1 and 10 corresponding to the recidivism risk score generated by COMPAS software (a small number corresponds to a low risk, a larger number corresponds to a high risk). • two_year_recid: a numeric indicator of whether the defendant recidivated two years after previous charge: • 0: no, did not recidivate • 1: yes, did recidivate • compas_prediction: a numeric value based on compas_decile_score, that make a binary recidivism prediction: • 0 (will not recidivate): if compas_decile_score <= 4 • 1 (will recidivate): if compas_decile_score > 4 • compas_correct: a numeric value corresponding to whether the COMPAS prediction is correct or not: • 1: correct prediction • 0: incorrect prediction • BROWARD_CLEAN_SUBSET: a subset of 1000 defendants extracted from BROWARD_CLEAN: these are the defendants used in our human assessment. • block_num: a numeric value in the range 1 to 20 corresponding to which block each of the 1000 defendants were assigned (participants viewed only 1 subset of 50 defendants). • id: a unique identifier for each defendant (same as id in BROWARD_ORIGINAL) • race: a numeric indicator of race • 1: White (Caucasian); 2: Black (African American); 3: Hispanic; 4: Asian; 5: Native American; 6: Other • sex: a numeric indicator of sex • 0: male; 1: female • age • juv_fel_count: total number of juvenile felony criminal charges • juv_ misd_count: total number of juvenile misdemeanor criminal charges • priors_count: total number of non-juvenile criminal charges • charge_id: a numeric value corresponding to the specific criminal charge (see file CHARGE_ID) • charge_degree: a numeric indicator of the degree of the charge: • 0: misdemeanor • 1: felony • compas_decile_score: a numeric value between 1 and 10 corresponding to the recidivism risk score generated by COMPAS software (a small number corresponds to a low risk, a larger number corresponds to a high risk). • two_year_recid: a numeric indicator of whether the defendant recidivated two years after previous charge: • 0: no, did not recidivate • 1: yes, did recidivate • MTURK_NO_RACE: this file is a 1000 x 400 block matrix. Each row corresponds to a defendant (index by the ID that can be found in BROWARD_CLEAN_SUBSET) and each column corresponds to one mechanical turk participant. The data is formatted as a block matrix because each participant viewed only 50 defendants. Each entry in this file corresponds to a correct (1) or incorrect (-1) recidivism prediction. A blank entry means that the participant did not respond to the corresponding defendant. • MTURK_RACE: this file is the same as above, but for the condition in which race is specified. • MTURK_NO_RACE_DEMOGRAPHICS: this data file provides the reported demographics of our participants in the no race condition. The columns correspond to: • mturk_code: a eight-digit code corresponding to a mechanical turk participant (these codes were generated randomly and cannot be used to identify any individual) • age: a numeric indicator of age: • 1: under the age of 18 • 2: 18-24 • 3: 25-34 • 4: 35-44 • 5: 45-54 • 6: 55-64 • 7: 65-74 • 8: 75 or older • gender: a numeric indicator of gender • 0: male • 1: female • 2: preferred to describe • race: a numeric indicator of race (more than one option can be specified) • 1: White • 2: Black or African American • 3: Hispanic or Latino • 4: Asian • 5: American Indian or Alaska Native • 6: Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander • 7: Preferred to describe • education: a numeric indicator of education level • 1: less than a high school degree • 2: high school graduate (high school diploma or equivalent including GED) • 3: some college but no degree • 4: associate degree in college (2-year) • 5: bachelor’s degree (4-year) • 6: maserter’s degree • 7: doctoral degree • 8: professional degree • MTURK_RACE_DEMOGRAPHICS: this data file provides the reported demographics of our participants in the race condition. The columns in this file are the same as in MTURK_NO_RACE_DEMOGRAPHICS. • CHARGE_ID: for each charge_id in the file BROWARD_CLEAN, this data file provides the charge name. The columns correspond to: • charge_id: the charge_id (as found in BROWARD_CLEAN) • c_charge_desc: the charge name from BROWARD_ORIGINAL • mturk_charge_name: a simplified crime name that was presented to our mechanical turk participants • MTURK_CHARGE_DESC: this data file provides the name and short charge description seen by our participants. The columns correspond to: • charge_id: a numeric value corresponding to the specific criminal charge (see file CHARGE_ID) • mturk_charge_name: a simplified crime name that was presented to our mechanical turk participants (see file CHARGE_ID) • full_charge_description: a short description of the charge.